Blog | The Mission App

Short-Term Missions for Long-Term Impact with Kanita Benson

Listen to this episode with Kanita Benson as she shares her experiences of short-term mission trips and the importance of constructing them effectively in order to make a long-term impact. Kanita also discusses ways to mobilize the African American community.

Fully Funding Your Ministry: 5 Keys to Personal Support Raising

A Guest Post from one of our partners – Support Raising Solutions “I want to serve God and be obedient to His leading in my life, but I don’t want to raise support.” If you’ve said or thought these words, you’re not alone. In fact, most people living a donor-supported lifestyle will admit that, at …

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Mission journey

Mission Journey

Every single journey is different, but here are some resources to help you along the way. We’ll walk you through the different phases of moving towards a life in missions!

Am I Called to Missions?

What made you type in that google search about becoming a missionary?  Is it some need that’s pulling on your heart?  Did you spend part of your younger life in another part of the world? Are you looking for a change from life as you currently know it?  Do you want to raise your family …

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Arriving Well

Arriving Well Tips for your beginnings in a new culture Is this home now?  Your footprints in the cement of your new host country haven’t even had a chance to dry and the question pops into your mind, ‘How do I do this WELL?’  Everything is SO new, SO unfamiliar and SO important.  Take a …

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Pray for Real

Prayer… for R.E.A.L. Putting Together a Prayer Support Team for Missions I don’t know about you but when I dive into something brand new in a new place doing something that truly MATTERS in an eternal way, I want people praying for me… for REAL.  You see – I already KNOW that on my own,  …

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