Mission Journey | The Mission App

Journey to Missions

Every journey is different, here are some resources to ensure that you keep moving forward.
Research and Learning


Start with Go Serve Love or Ask a Missionary to find helpful resources and tools that guide and equip prospective global workers for long-term success on the mission field. Read responses from real missionaries about real-life issues and challenges.

Research and Learning
Find an Agency!

The mission app

Use The Mission App’s directory tool to sort through missions agencies by your interest and call. Fill out ONE application to reach out to all the agencies that fit you! Our team will be in touch to guide you on the journey.

Find an Agency!
Missionary Training

Global Frontier Missions

Explore holistic quality training options from Global Frontier Missions. Discover the benefits of cross cultural experience – whether it’s a weekend, 5 month or 2 year opportunity. You might attend a training school or join Missionary Residences, or even SLICE in South Asia.

Missionary Training
Master Support Raising

Support and Fundraising

Learn how to mobilize a partnership team from Support Raising Solutions. Check out their guides, network and attend an SRS bootcamp. Learn alongside others and see God raise up a healthy support team that will stick with you in ministry!

Master Support Raising
Sustainable Ministry

Missionary Mobilization and Retention

Go to the Center For Missionary Mobilization and Retention and find podcasts, subscribe to their journal or utilize any of their free resources. Find encouragement to sustain you in ministry for the long haul.

Sustainable Ministry

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