Mission Agency Finder | How To Find A Mission Agency

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Global Gates

Global Gates has a Priority Matrix that evaluates unreached people groups with populations of over 5,000 in North America’s global gateway cities. Our main focus is to mobilize prayer and workers among these UPG matrix groups, leading to church planting movements in their homelands and other diaspora populations.


As followers of Jesus, we are a global community providing transformational education services as part of God’s ongoing mission to transform individuals and communities into all He intends.

Communitas International

Communitas International starts and shapes communities of faith that love like Jesus in our neighborhoods and around the world.  Come be empowered to champion new, innovative ways of being good news in your unique context.  God is calling us to seek the Kingdom, be grace-oriented and people-focused. Let’s go together!

  • Find your tribe • Embed in highly contextualized communities • Go on mission to love like Jesus
Encompass World Partners

Since 1900, we have been on a mission to glorify God and make Him known among the nations by investing in individuals. Currently, Encompass serves 228 people groups in 29 countries across the globe. Encompass is committed to finding innovative ways to share Christ with those who have not heard. We gather new believers into community and train local leaders to see an indigenous church planting movement begin to flourish.

ABWE International

ABWE strives to engage Christ in bold, biblical, relational evangelism and plant thriving churches. But we don’t just want to send missionaries. We want to spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves – where local leaders are trained, mission minded churches are planted, and believers are compelled to share the message of Jesus to every nation.


SIM is a catalyst for global mission with more than 4,000 workers from 65 different nations, serving in over 70 countries worldwide. Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we are dedicated to making disciples of Jesus in communities where He is least known. We do this by responding to need, proclaiming the gospel, and equipping the Church across six continents. If God is leading you to engage in His global mission by crossing barriers and bringing good news to hard places, we’ll be with you—through prayer and care—every step of the way.

Mission on the Move

Mission on the Move is transforming the lives of over 150 children in Mexico and Honduras through Christian discipleship, family-style orphan care, after school programs, education and nutrition.  We are accredited by the ECFA and received the Guidestar Bronze Seal of Transparency for 2020.


We don’t do the traditional or normal.  We are looking for the innovative, high initiative people who want to be very non-traditional and very fruitful … people who want to be used of God to catalyze whole movements of reproducing disciples.  We are looking for people who are willing to risk but with the help of a mentor and small teams.  We want people who help launch movements among peoples who have almost no access to the Good News of the Kingdom.  We work to launch “Book of Acts” kind of movements where the disciples we mentor reproduce disciples who reproduce, etc.  We help equip thousands of disciples in tens of thousands of churches who meet millions of needs in their own society and beyond.  In the last 7 years, we have helped raise up 610,000 baptized disciples in 77,000+ churches.

Global Fellowship

We’re a group that is passionate about partnering with national leaders as we plant churches in the most unreached places. We are laser focused on the gospel as our primary approach to ministry and believe that trust based, familial relationships lead to joyful and fruitful work.

Mission Go

MissionGO encourages and serves missionaries who are called by the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord as He leads them. We often say, “Fulfill Your Calling Under Our Umbrella.” Although there are specific openings that need to be filled in many areas around the world, we are always open to the possibility of finding you a place where your particular calling can be answered and best used.

Map Global

MAP Global stands for Ministry Advocacy Partners.  We are an upside down “missions” agency that serves our Partner Ministries in their unique assignments.  As a support agency we look to partner with qualified ministry leaders as pioneering career missionaries, domestic ministry leaders or indigenous foreign ministry leaders.

New International

New International leads a fresh approach to global outreach. We see God’s work in our ever changing world and seek to join with God in His mission of restoration and redemption, as evidenced by people of all nations worshiping Him, experiencing continuous life transformation, fulfilling their God-given purpose, and fostering the emergence of Jesus-following communities. This all starts with the defining question, “What is God call you to do?”


We’re a global fellowship of Christians with a heart for East Asia. We serve the church and seek to bring the gospel to all the peoples of East Asia. Our work is as diverse as the places and people we work in and amongst. From church planting to missional business, student work to medical practice, we aim to present the gospel, in a culturally relevant way, through word and deed to see Indigenous Biblical Church Movements.

Global Frontier Missions

Global Frontier Missions (GFM) is a movement of Christ-centered communities dedicated to mobilizing, training, and multiplying disciples and churches to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the least reached people groups of the earth.

One Challenge

One Challenge is an interdenominational, missionary-sending agency with US headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO. The driving passion of our ministry is to see the local body of Christ healthy, growing, multiplying and sending cross-cultural workers. Our strategy is to come alongside leaders and other Christ-followers to help them accomplish their vision. Our people are involved in leadership training, training church planters, partnering and networking, education, business 4 transformation, relief and mercy ministry, member health, sports ministry, missionary mobilization, and research.

TWR International

TWR International is a non-profit, global, Christian media organization that creates and distributes audio media over radio (shortwave, AM and FM) and digital media over the Internet in over 230 languages in order to reach the entire world for Christ so that lasting fruit is produced. TWR is looking for technical, creative and business people who want to serve God and bring a message of hope to the world.

Reaching Frontiers

We are an inter-denominational non-profit Christian mission movement with a vision to reach every least and unreached communities with the Gospel that they may know Christ, Live for Him and make Him known. We do this in two ways, through evangelism for discipleship and through social compassion (Community Care). Our core mission focuses are Church planting, children, community transformation, counseling, reaching Rastas, and lastly reaching least and unreached Pastors.


Serge is a missions ­sending agency that serves in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. We believe the motive and power for mission is the gospel of grace at work in believers.  Our vision is movements of grace reaching all people, renewing all believers, and restoring all things for the world’s good and God’s glory.  Our core values are centrality of the Gospel, ministry from weakness, prayer for the Kingdom, and love for people.

World Team

World Team’s mission is to glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on unreached people groups. We do this through innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go. Our teams use diverse, God-given skills to share the love of Christ and disciple new believers, preparing them to inspire gospel movements among their friends and neighbors.

Campus Outreach

CO LEAD is Campus Outreach’s initial international staff experience — a two year commitment to serve on a college campus in a strategic global location within the Campus Outreach SERVE Network. LEAD Staff advance the local gospel movement in these locations by building authentic relationships with students and contributing to the ongoing ministry of evangelism and discipleship. Staff are challenged and equipped to develop in maturity and leadership as they grow into lifelong laborers in God’s global work.

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