One Collective | The Mission App

One Collective

Brief Overview

One Collective is a global, Jesus-centered non-profit. We work in communities around the world addressing the physical, social, and spiritual needs of the marginalized and oppressed. Trained leaders bring people together and engage in holistic, sustainable change with the goal of seeing individual lives and whole communities transformed through the ways of Jesus.

Religions of Focus
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism
Regions We Work In:
North America
South America
Central America
European Union
Eastern Europe
North Africa
Sub Saharan Africa
Middle East
East Asia
South East Asia
Central Asia
Southern Asia
The Caribbean
Our Ministries Include:
Administration & Accounting
Church Planting
Business & Community Development
Camp Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Communications & Media
Compassion & Social Welfare Ministries
Construction Projects
English Language Ministries
Evangelism & Discipleship
Leadership Development
Restricted Access & 10/40 Window
Sports & Community Outreach
Student Ministries
The Arts
Women's Ministry
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